September 2022 Post Report

May 2022 report American Legion, Post 208, Millis, Massachusetts Minutes of Regular Post Meeting, Thursday 08 September 2022 On 08 September 2022, at 10:10 AM, the Regular monthly meeting of the Membership of Post 208, American Legion in Millis, MA was called to order by the Post Commander Robert Yeager. This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance as led by Commander Yeager. A prayer was offered by the 1st Vice Commander Lawrence McCarter on behalf of the Post Chaplain Alan Burch who was absent. The preamble to the Constitution of the American was recited by all the present membership which was led by Commander Yeager who then led in a salute to the Missing and POWs. Commander Yeager checked with the assembled membership for information on any deceased or ill Members of Post 208. There were no additional passing of any post members. The Post 208, Adjutant Robert Bryant was absent and the 1st Vice Commander Lawrence McCarter is recording the minutes. The Post 208 Scout Representative, Legionnaire Todd Nolan was absent. There also wasn't any activity to report from the Post Service officer Lawrence McCarter. Other committees also had no reports. For the membership Officer, Commander Yeager reports that 56 Members have paid their dues for 2022 renewal. On old business it was decided to cancel the proposed post 208 picnic that would have been held on Saturday, 17 September 2022. With No further discussion needed on Old business Commander Yeager asked for any new business to come before the Membership of Post 208. 1st Vice Commander Lawrence McCarter brought up the subject of Veteran’s Day which would be Friday, 11 November 2022. The program will be worked on By 1st Vice Commander McCarter and details to be worked out On a program for the event. The event will be held at the WWI Memorial Park in front of the Legion Post area. The Veteran’s Day committee was formed to organize the events including a Veteran’s Breakfast commitee consisting of Commander Robert Yeager, 1st Vice Commander, Lawrence McCarter, and also the 2nd Vice Commander Frank Zitoli. On the subject of a Post Christmas Party Edward Shropshire will be arranging for the preparations for that annual event to be held in December 2022 The Post Commander Robert Yeager mentioned the important subject of recruiting new members for American Legion Post 208. There had been some discussion recently of perhaps going back to nighttime meetings in order that Younger Veteran’s who are still in the work force may be able to attend. Another possibility was on weekends during the day. It was decided for the present the meeting would continue to be held on the second Thursday of each month at 10:00 AM as they currently are. There will be further discussion on this matter at future meetings. The Installation of New Post officers for the upcoming 10 June 2022 meeting were made with the current list of Officers again being reelected for another term with one additional New Officer, installed which was the new 2nd Vice Commander Frank Zitoli being installed into that office. The new Officers present took their oath of office to serve a one year term to expire on the last day of May 2023. Commander Robert Yeager asked the Membership if there was any further business to be raised at the post meeting. There were no further issues to be raised . A closing prayer was done for the meeting by the Post 208 1st Vice Commander Lawrence McCarter . The Post Commander Robert Yeager then declared the meeting of Post 208, American Legion to be adjourned at 11:45 AM . Respectfully Submitted On behalf of the Post Adjutant Robert Bryant, LAWRENCE J. McCARTER, 1st Vice Commander American Legion, Post 208 Millis, MA